Source code for ari.model

Model for mapping ARI Swagger resources and operations into objects.

The API is modeled into the Repository pattern, as you would find in Domain
Driven Design.

Each Swagger Resource (a.k.a. API declaration) is mapped into a Repository
object, which has the non-instance specific operations (just like what you
would find in a repository object).

Responses from operations are mapped into first-class objects, which themselves
have methods which map to instance specific operations (just like what you
would find in a domain object).

The first-class objects also have 'on_event' methods, which can subscribe to
Stasis events relating to that object.

import logging
import re

import requests

from . import exceptions

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _enrich_exceptions(function, client):
    http_errors = {
        404: exceptions.ARINotFound,
        409: exceptions.ARINotInStasis,
        500: exceptions.ARIServerError,
        503: exceptions.ARIServerUnavailable,

    def decorator(**kwargs):
            return function(**kwargs)
        except requests.HTTPError as err:
                exception_class = http_errors[err.response.status_code]
            except KeyError as exc:
                raise err from exc
            raise exception_class(client, err) from err
        except requests.RequestException as err:
            raise exceptions.ARIException(client, err) from err

    return decorator

[docs]class Repository: """ARI repository. This repository maps to an ARI Swagger resource. The operations on the Swagger resource are mapped to methods on this object, using the operation's nickname. :param client: ARI client. :type client: client.Client :param name: Repository name. Maps to the basename of the resource's .json file :param resource: Associated Swagger resource. :type resource: swaggerpy.client.Resource """ def __init__(self, client, name, resource): self.client = client = name self.api = resource def __repr__(self): return "Repository(%s)" % def __getattr__(self, item): """Maps resource operations to methods on this object. :param item: Item name. """ oper = getattr(self.api, item, None) if not (callable(oper) and hasattr(oper, 'json')): raise AttributeError("'%r' object has no attribute '%s'" % (self, item)) # The returned function wraps the underlying operation, promoting the # received HTTP response to a first class object. return _enrich_exceptions( lambda **kwargs: promote(self.client, oper(**kwargs), oper.json), self.client )
[docs]class ObjectIdGenerator: """Interface for extracting identifying information from an object's JSON representation. """
[docs] def get_params(self, obj_json): """Gets the paramater values for specifying this object in a query. :param obj_json: Instance data. :type obj_json: dict :return: Dictionary with paramater names and values :rtype: dict of str, str """ raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented")
[docs] def id_as_str(self, obj_json): """Gets a single string identifying an object. :param obj_json: Instance data. :type obj_json: dict :return: Id string. :rtype: str """ raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented")
# noinspection PyDocstring
[docs]class DefaultObjectIdGenerator(ObjectIdGenerator): """Id generator that works for most of our objects. :param param_name: Name of the parameter to specify in queries. :param id_field: Name of the field to specify in JSON. """ def __init__(self, param_name, id_field='id'): self.param_name = param_name self.id_field = id_field
[docs] def get_params(self, obj_json): return {self.param_name: obj_json[self.id_field]}
[docs] def id_as_str(self, obj_json): return obj_json[self.id_field]
[docs]class BaseObject: """Base class for ARI domain objects. :param client: ARI client. :type client: client.Client :param resource: Associated Swagger resource. :type resource: swaggerpy.client.Resource :param as_json: JSON representation of this object instance. :type as_json: dict :param event_reg: """ id_generator = ObjectIdGenerator() def __init__(self, client, resource, as_json, event_reg): self.client = client self.api = resource self.json = as_json = self.id_generator.id_as_str(as_json) self.event_reg = event_reg def __repr__(self): return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, def __getattr__(self, item): """Promote resource operations related to a single resource to methods on this class. :param item: """ oper = getattr(self.api, item, None) if not (callable(oper) and hasattr(oper, 'json')): raise AttributeError("'%r' object has no attribute '%r'" % (self, item)) def enrich_operation(**kwargs): """Enriches an operation by specifying parameters specifying this object's id (i.e.,, and promotes HTTP response to a first-class object. :param kwargs: Operation parameters :return: First class object mapped from HTTP response. """ # Add id to param list kwargs.update(self.id_generator.get_params(self.json)) return promote(self.client, oper(**kwargs), oper.json) return _enrich_exceptions(enrich_operation, self.client)
[docs] def on_event(self, event_type, fn, *args, **kwargs): """Register event callbacks for this specific domain object. :param event_type: Type of event to register for. :type event_type: str :param fn: Callback function for events. :type fn: (object, dict) -> None :param args: Arguments to pass to fn :param kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to fn """ def fn_filter(objects, event, *args, **kwargs): """Filter received events for this object. :param objects: Objects found in this event. :param event: Event. """ if isinstance(objects, dict): if in [ for c in objects.values()]: fn(objects, event, *args, **kwargs) else: if == fn(objects, event, *args, **kwargs) if not self.event_reg: msg = "Event callback registration called on object with no events" raise RuntimeError(msg) return self.event_reg(event_type, fn_filter, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]class Channel(BaseObject): """First class object API. :param client: ARI client. :type client: client.Client :param channel_json: Instance data """ id_generator = DefaultObjectIdGenerator('channelId') def __init__(self, client, channel_json): super(Channel, self).__init__( client, client.swagger.channels, channel_json, client.on_channel_event )
[docs]class Bridge(BaseObject): """First class object API. :param client: ARI client. :type client: client.Client :param bridge_json: Instance data """ id_generator = DefaultObjectIdGenerator('bridgeId') def __init__(self, client, bridge_json): super(Bridge, self).__init__( client, client.swagger.bridges, bridge_json, client.on_bridge_event )
[docs]class Playback(BaseObject): """First class object API. :param client: ARI client. :type client: client.Client :param playback_json: Instance data """ id_generator = DefaultObjectIdGenerator('playbackId') def __init__(self, client, playback_json): super(Playback, self).__init__( client, client.swagger.playbacks, playback_json, client.on_playback_event )
[docs]class LiveRecording(BaseObject): """First class object API. :param client: ARI client :type client: client.Client :param recording_json: Instance data """ id_generator = DefaultObjectIdGenerator('recordingName', id_field='name') def __init__(self, client, recording_json): super(LiveRecording, self).__init__( client, client.swagger.recordings, recording_json, client.on_live_recording_event, )
[docs]class StoredRecording(BaseObject): """First class object API. :param client: ARI client :type client: client.Client :param recording_json: Instance data """ id_generator = DefaultObjectIdGenerator('recordingName', id_field='name') def __init__(self, client, recording_json): super(StoredRecording, self).__init__( client, client.swagger.recordings, recording_json, client.on_stored_recording_event, )
# noinspection PyDocstring
[docs]class EndpointIdGenerator(ObjectIdGenerator): """Id generator for endpoints, because they are weird."""
[docs] def get_params(self, obj_json): return {'tech': obj_json['technology'], 'resource': obj_json['resource']}
[docs] def id_as_str(self, obj_json): return "%(tech)s/%(resource)s" % self.get_params(obj_json)
[docs]class Endpoint(BaseObject): """First class object API. :param client: ARI client. :type client: client.Client :param endpoint_json: Instance data """ id_generator = EndpointIdGenerator() def __init__(self, client, endpoint_json): super(Endpoint, self).__init__( client, client.swagger.endpoints, endpoint_json, client.on_endpoint_event )
[docs]class DeviceState(BaseObject): """First class object API. :param client: ARI client. :type client: client.Client :param endpoint_json: Instance data """ id_generator = DefaultObjectIdGenerator('deviceName', id_field='name') def __init__(self, client, device_state_json): super(DeviceState, self).__init__( client, client.swagger.deviceStates, device_state_json, client.on_device_state_event, )
[docs]class Sound(BaseObject): """First class object API. :param client: ARI client. :type client: client.Client :param sound_json: Instance data """ id_generator = DefaultObjectIdGenerator('soundId') def __init__(self, client, sound_json): super(Sound, self).__init__( client, client.swagger.sounds, sound_json, client.on_sound_event )
[docs]class Mailbox(BaseObject): """First class object API. :param client: ARI client. :type client: client.Client :param mailbox_json: Instance data """ id_generator = DefaultObjectIdGenerator('mailboxName', id_field='name') def __init__(self, client, mailbox_json): super(Mailbox, self).__init__( client, client.swagger.mailboxes, mailbox_json, None )
[docs]def promote(client, resp, operation_json): """Promote a response from the request's HTTP response to a first class object. :param client: ARI client. :type client: client.Client :param resp: HTTP resonse. :type resp: requests.Response :param operation_json: JSON model from Swagger API. :type operation_json: dict :return: """ resp.raise_for_status() response_class = operation_json['responseClass'] is_list = False m = re.match('''List\\[(.*)\\]''', response_class) if m: response_class = is_list = True factory = CLASS_MAP.get(response_class) if factory: resp_json = resp.json() if is_list: return [factory(client, obj) for obj in resp_json] return factory(client, resp_json) if resp.status_code == return None"No mapping for %s; returning JSON" % response_class) return resp.json()
CLASS_MAP = { 'Bridge': Bridge, 'Channel': Channel, 'Endpoint': Endpoint, 'Playback': Playback, 'LiveRecording': LiveRecording, 'StoredRecording': StoredRecording, 'Mailbox': Mailbox, 'DeviceState': DeviceState, }