Source code for asterisk.fastagi

#!/usr/bin/env python

.. module:: fastagi
   :synopsis: FastAGI service for Asterisk

Requires modified pyst2 to support reading stdin/out/err

 Copyright 2011 VOICE1, LLC
 By: Ben Davis <ben@voice1-dot-me>


import socketserver
import sys

import asterisk.agi

__verison__ = 0.1

# TODO: Read options from config file.
HOST, PORT = "", 4573

[docs]class FastAGI(socketserver.StreamRequestHandler): # Close connections not finished in 5seconds. timeout = 5
[docs] def handle(self): try: agi = asterisk.agi.AGI(stdin=self.rfile, stdout=self.wfile, stderr=sys.stderr) agi.verbose("pyst2: FastAGI on: {}:{}".format(HOST, PORT)) except TypeError as e: sys.stderr.write( 'Unable to connect to agi://{} {}\n'.format(self.client_address[0], str(e)) ) except socketserver.socket.timeout: sys.stderr.write('Timeout receiving data from {}\n'.format(self.client_address)) except socketserver.socket.error: sys.stderr.write( 'Could not open the socket. Is something else listening on this port?\n' ) except Exception as e: sys.stderr.write('An unknown error: {}\n'.format(str(e)))
if __name__ == "__main__": # server = socketserver.TCPServer((HOST, PORT), FastAGI) server = socketserver.ForkingTCPServer((HOST, PORT), FastAGI) # Keep server running until CTRL-C is pressed. server.serve_forever()