Source code for usb_protocol.types.superspeed

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of usb-protocol.
""" SuperSpeed USB types -- defines enumerations that describe standard USB3 types. """

from enum import IntEnum

[docs] class LinkCommand(IntEnum): """ Constant values (including both class and type) for link commands. """ LGOOD = 0 # Header Packet ACK LCRD = 1 # Header Credit LRTY = 2 # Header Packet Retry Sequence LBAD = 3 # Header Packet NAK LGO_U = 4 # Request Switching to Power State Ux LAU = 5 # Power State Acceptance LXU = 6 # Power State Rejection LPMA = 7 # Power State Acknowledgement LUP = 8 # Downstream-facing Keep-alive LDN = 11 # Upstream-facing Keep-alive
[docs] def get_class(self): return int(self) >> 2
[docs] def get_type(self): return int(self) & 0b11
[docs] class HeaderPacketType(IntEnum): """ Constants representing the Header Packet archetypes. """ TRANSACTION = 0b00100 DATA = 0b01000 ISOCHRONOUS_TIMESTAMP = 0b01100 LINK_MANAGEMENT = 0b00000
[docs] class TransactionPacketSubtype(IntEnum): """ Constants representing the subtypes of Transition Header Packet. """ ACK = 1 NRDY = 2 ERDY = 3 STATUS = 4 STALL = 5 NOTIFICATION = 6 PING = 7 PING_RESPONSE = 8
[docs] class LinkManagementPacketSubtype(IntEnum): """ Constants represneting the various types of Link Management Packet. """ SET_LINK_FUNCTION = 1 U2_INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT = 2 VENDOR_DEVICE_TEST = 3 PORT_CAPABILITY = 4 PORT_CONFIGURATION = 5 PORT_CONFIGURATION_RESPONSE = 6 PRECISION_TIME_MANAGEMENT = 7